Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is almost here....

Telling everyone that i'm excited for Christmas is a definite understatement!! I can't wait until the 19th of December when i will see my family. This has been a happy and sad year, 3 new additions but one loss, it has only made me want to see my family that much more and I can't wait, but there is one thing that i am really looking forward to and that is seeing my sister, brother in law and my gorgeous nephew and neice. Thank the Lord for webcams, i am going to actually see my family move on a computer screen and the thought of that brings tears to my eyes, i am going to see my family talk to me not just hear them, i am going to see my brother in law say " hey buddy" and i am going to see Andrew and Ashleigh smile. This Christmas is going to be one of the most special times ever and it hasn't even happened yet!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can't wait either, Sis!!!! See you soon!