I can't believe Emma is 10 months, my how time is just flying by! Emma is crawling so nicely now and gets so excited when she sees you, her little legs can't go fast enough! She is getting into everything, but i honestly don't mind, we are enjoying her so much and I love watching how her little mind works, how she studies things and how she loves to touch the things she shouldn't!! LOL
The days are drawing closer when she will pull herself to stand, she can only pull up to her knees but she is trying hard and will pull up on anything, the couch, the coffee table, your pants!!! And she just loves to stick her hands into the washing and throw it all about.
My angel, you are getting cuter by the day and i just love hearing your precious voice and laughs, i love when you talk to daddy and when you get so excited to see us when we come home. I love you so much